PilotsEYE.tv - Preview - SEA777F - Factory Visit Part one

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Two test pilots – One (guided) tour
During the plane’s “laying of the keel” in one of Boeing’s production line manufacturing units, PilotsEYE.tv was given the chance to capture the first nuts and bolts of what would soon become the
With up to five planes being processed simultaneously, over 1200 new Triple Seven’s have been “born” in these halls since 1995, and the unmistakable glow of pride is evident in many a face, as Manfred Schridde, Lufthansa’s Chief Technical Pilot, meets his American pendant on site.
Step by step, Boeing’s Chief Test Pilot Gary Meiser takes his guest through the different production stages of Lufthansa Cargo’s new “Number 5”.

From Purchase to Delivery - this film shows the whole process from the first bolt to the first jolt of a B777-200F, callsign D-ALFE, the fifth new Airplane of Lufthansa Cargo fleet.
Order at amazon.de http://petv.co/amzdesea (Europe)
Order at amazon.uk http://petv.co/amzuksea (Int'l delivery)
|::| English Subtitles |::| Deutsche Untertitel |::| Subtítulos en español |::| Sous-Titres Francais |::|
(Format PAL - all areas)
H i g h l i g h t s
- Boeing Factory Everett - Largest building in the world, by volume
- The money has arrived - how to buy and pay a 220M plane
- Cockpit tour with Boeing Chief Test Pilot Gary Meiser
- Rocket launch - 13 Minutes from 0 to FL 390
- Pushed until runway - No Taxiing in Everett
- Reception committee at Frankfurt Airport
- C1 - Customers first Testflight
- Jobless - Autopilots hate delivery flights
- Cockpit and iPads - a new serious relationship
- Preproduction - The Pilots on their way to Seatlle
- "Buying back" glitches - The last touchups before delivery
- Maingear B777 - Largest Landing gear on commercial plane
- Dreamliner's dreamlanding - Closeup of this very special plane
- Outtakes / Bonus
|::| |::|
DVD: EAN 4260139480265 • ISBN 978-3-943781-26-7 • ASIN B00ZSVDTN6
BD: EAN 4260139480364 • ISBN 978-3-943781-36-6 • ASIN B00ZSVDTP4
|::| |::|
Checkout the Lufthansa Cargo Channel on Youtube
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