Feline Fails: Cat Got Your Tongue? (July 2018) | FailArmy

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We hope you are FELINE fine! We have a brand new compilation featuring nothing but hilarious cat fails! Submit your videos to FailArmy.com, and let us know your favorite in the comments below!

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People Are Awesome - https://goo.gl/zDCbjj
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FailArmy is the world’s number one source for epic fail videos and hilarious compilations. We’re powered by fan submissions and feedback from all around the world, with over 30 million fans across digital platforms!

To license any of the videos shown on FailArmy, please visit Jukin Media at http://bit.ly/jukinlicense.


Cat Comes Out of Nowhere and Slaps Guy https://goo.gl/3fEgqy
Cat Jumps in Air and Lands on Girl's Head https://goo.gl/o11z2L
Cat Tries and Fails to Open Window https://goo.gl/6r6EEb
Cat Jump to Fridge Fail https://goo.gl/aeeuX6
Cat Scares Other Cat https://goo.gl/SFodje
Cat Pulls Gauze Out of Jars https://goo.gl/ZGLFAo
Clumsy Cat Tries to Jump into Bathtub https://goo.gl/M6bhCs
Cat Runs Into Stove https://goo.gl/k7ga4R
Cat Rolls off Fridge https://goo.gl/DEQ4oh
Cat Falls off Window Sill Trying to Swat at Neighbor Cat https://goo.gl/rCVEcB
Cat Jumps for Toy and Runs into Mirror https://goo.gl/bpCTWz
Cat Tosses Other Cat off Roof https://goo.gl/prLJfS
Cat Tips Over https://goo.gl/RkYSrY
Cat Slips on Rug Trying to Jump on Table https://goo.gl/UuvHpJ
Cat Protects Computer Mouse https://goo.gl/dH3i3V
Fat Cat Struggles to Flip Over https://goo.gl/DBW4gr
Cat Tries to Jump into Cabinet with Pillow https://goo.gl/nX92Ky
Cat Almost Falls Off Chair https://goo.gl/VxyyGf
Cat Falls Jumping on Curtain https://goo.gl/Uw9pRS
Cat Latches onto Loaf of Bread https://goo.gl/rN2Ndf
Fat Cat Stuck in Soda Box Falls https://goo.gl/KbRGHE
Cat Jumps Off Bed and Hits Mirror https://goo.gl/d9tKaf
Cat Falls Off Door Lands on Feet https://goo.gl/bteSeG
Cat Falls in Bath https://goo.gl/2pdcSv
Cat Jumps Off Door into Mirror https://goo.gl/yY4v3v
Cat Flips Backwards https://goo.gl/yTYoiC
Kitty Falls Asleep While Biting Toe https://goo.gl/w3Q5Lv
Cat Falls Off Bookshelf Backpack https://goo.gl/SyP4eE
Printer Scares Cat when Paper comes out https://goo.gl/7UScK9

Feline Fails: Cat Got Your Tongue? (July 2018) | FailArmy
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